Monday, January 20, 2020

6 questions to ask when using co registration.

Co registration is the process of gathering email addresses by offering customers the chance to sign up to your list when they sign up to an simular email list. It has been an underground technique used by a few Internet marketers for years and has only come into the main stream over the past year or so. Co reg was kept under the radar as it gives the user the power to create on demand email list in no time at all.

So how do co reg companies work? Well co reg companies will have access to thousands of website that have opt in forms that they can use to build your list. When a co reg campaign is set up the co reg company will match the type of compaign to the relevant website in their network and when someone signs up to one of those sites they are offered the opportunity to join your list also.

When considering the best internet marketing method for list build co reg must rank very high. When you are looking for a co reg broker make sure you find out the following before parting with any money:

Are the leads posted to an auto-responder in real time?
Are the leads targeted?
Does the company offer an incentive to people for signing up?
Are the opt in boxes pre-checked?
Do they offer a cancellation period?
The last point is very important as you don’t want to have to pay for thousands of leads that you don’t need or want. Make sure that you can cancel your order when you’ve reached your marketing budget limit. Another reason to make sure you can cancel is that some brokers will ask for an insertion order of $5000 and if you can’t cancel you’ll find yourself getting burnt. When contacting brokers make sure you find these details out and if you are asked for an full upfront payment avoid them.

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