Monday, February 24, 2020

Building The Downpayment on Your Home With Rent To Buy

Most people who have been locked out of housing market don’t realise that owning their own home is very close within their reach today. The most common reasons that people stay on renting their home instead of buying for themselves is because of credit problems.  However it is not always limited to just credit problems.  Quite often it is very difficult for families to save a deposit when they have all the other running costs of their family like paying rent, buying groceries, running a car or to and the list goes on.  It can seem like a cruel trap that is very difficult to break away from, but as you are about to discover there is a simple solution that is available to just about anyone.  That system is most commonly known as rent to buy.

As shocking as it may sound to people reading this article it is very possible to secure your own rent to buy home with as little as $10.00 downpayment. So if it is this easy why isn’t everybody else doing it? Well, it’s a bit hard to do something if you don’t know how to do it, so people need to be willing to learn in order to make a rent deal work for them. For every family that can’t wait to get out of the rental cycle, there are just as many motivated sellers who need someone just like you to help them put together a rent to buy deal. There are so many sellers who have tried the for sale by owner, also known as FSBO, they have failed to attract qualified buyers. When a seller is stuck with an unwanted property there are many serious consequences that could come their way, like foreclosure and bankruptcy. Let’s face it nobody would put their hand up and volunteer to have a bank foreclose on their home or to willingly go bankrupt.

So the idea is to let these sellers know that there are other options available that could potentially save them from going through the heart aches associated with a foreclosure and going bankrupt.  There are many expensive weekend boot camp style wealth creation seminars that teach investors had put these deals together but the price tag associated with these seminars makes being able to learn the rent to buy niche out of reach of the majority.  Then there is the free information available on the Internet that you have to be careful that what you are reading is based on fact that the person who has written the information actually has expertise in this area.  We came across an affordable home study guide called the DIY Rent To Buy Manual and the authors of this manual guarantee the results.  They guarantee to work with each customer for up to 12 months to provide one-on-one coaching to help them with putting their own rent to buy deal in place. There are probably similar manuals available in ebook formats but none of them come with the support that many people will require.

It’s fair to say that if you want to do something that you haven’t done before like a rent to buy deal you are going to need to be prepared to learn new skills. These skills may be a simple as listening to what the seller of a home is having difficulty with in the sale of their home, but as you will find out, the marketing system that you will learn to find the rent to buy deals, is probably the most important part of finding your own rent to buy deal.  It is very important to find a seller who is willing to call you to find out what you can do to help fix their problem was selling their home, because when it is you calling a seller to try telling them about rent to buy you will normally find that they don’t show a strong interest in what you have to say.  This is mainly because they have never heard of rent to buy and if they have it is possible that they have heard negative things.

As we found out in the DIY rent to buy manual it is pretty simple to print out 10,000 or more letterbox flyers and distribute them in areas that you would like to live.  There are always sellers who will call you when you use this technique.  At first we did not believe it could be the simple but as we soon found out it really is a numbers game and every seller has a unique situation that needs to be solved.  When the seller is calling you you are in a much better position to propose renting to buy their property. When you are getting calls from an interested seller you will also need a list of questions with you in order to prequalify the seller so you know what kind of rent to buy deal to propose. There is a really good list available inside the DIY rent to buy manual but they have also published a list of these prequalifying questions on one of their educational rent to buy blog sites.  You can find them at their rent to buy homes Squidoo Lense to see how simple and straightforward this can be of those just starting out.

We have often found that friends and family members who don’t understand something will often try to convince you that it won’t work.  This may be due to the fact that they simply don’t understand that sometimes they can feel threatened about missing out themselves.  Most of your well-meaning friends and family probably just care about you and don’t want to see you fail will be out of pocket, so just make sure you follow the rules that you learn and don’t deviate from them.  There are risks associated with all forms of property purchasing, and renting to buy is no different from all the other forms of purchasing a home.  Don’t be in too much of a rush to get started and the planning of homework.  Follow these simple rules and you could just find yourself finally breaking free of moving away from renting and into renting to buy your next home.

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