Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Develop a Repeatable Golf Swing

If you’re like most golfers, you’re always trying to find that “perfect” golf swing. I know I am. You know you can do it, because you’ve hit some of those great shots before. Doesn’t it feel great to hit that effortless shot? Don’t you wish you could do it every time? That would be a similar feeling of what the pro’s have most of the time. It would make golf so much more enjoyable!

So what’s keeping you from this goal? Will camping out at the range and beating balls hour after hour help? Or, are you already hitting several buckets every week? If you’re reading this, my guess is that’s not working too well. So, do you need more golf lessons? Or, have you had a ton of golf instruction but not seen improvement? If it’s none of the above, then what?

I can tell you what it is almost 100% for sure — it’s your MIND!
Your mind dictates your golf swing. Your body can do the proper thing — you’ve hit good shots before. The problem is not that your body is incapable, it’s that your mind is not sending the right messages to your body. The way you build a repeatable swing is to lock in the proper swing feel into your mind so that your mind can tell your body what to do on a subconscious level. To get your mind into such a state, you have to repeatedly practice the right motions. If you don’t practice the right motions, your mind never gets to the point of subconsciously controlling your swing. Hitting more balls or taking more golf lessons will not do anything good for you unless you are practicing something consistently.

You could try to buy one of those bizarre contraptions that force you to swing on a perfect plane. They actually do work, but who has room for a 8 foot tall by 6 foot wide tubular steel swing aid. I sure don’t. Fortunately, you don’t need one. There are many innovative golf training aids that work just as well and are much smaller. The best training aid I’ve found is the Medicus Driver. You’d be amazed at how quickly you can improve your golf swing and game using this hittable dual-hinged club. I like the driver because that is the club most people have trouble hitting.

But if you really want to get a well-rounded and consistent swing with your irons, too, be sure to also check out the Medicus 5 iron or the Medicus 7 iron. They will definitely improve your iron play, because they force you to swing the club in a consistent, proper motion, enabling your mind to “lock” that motion into the subconscious. The nice thig is that if you consistently practice with the Medicus clubs just a little bit each week, it will keep your swing in great shape and prevent you from getting some of those subtle errors creeping in.

Don’t keep looking for the silver bullet. The answer is in your head. You just need the right tool to unlock the potential. Now do something about it!

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